Skip end listeners (parent process) while deleting child process instance


Is there any way to stop the execution of end listeners of parent process instance if the child process instance is deleted?


Any updates? Is it possible to do so?


@hetal_rathod Skip Custom Listeners and Skip IO Mappings make it possible to skip invocations of execution and task listeners as well as input/output mappings for the transaction that performs the restart/deletions. This can be useful when the restart is executed on a system that has no access to the involved process application deployments and their contained classes.

@aravindhrs, Thanks a lot for the reply. Yes, I did use skipIOMappings and skipCustomListeners. It seems that the process was failing due to MethodNotFound exception (used in expression) hence it was executing the end listeners.

Any way to stop the listeners when an process engine exception has occured?

Try suspending all the process instance and then delete it