Restart Externally Terminated ProcessInstance From History

I am trying to start a processinstnce from history DB But keep getting below exception
“type”: “InvalidRequestException”,
“message”: “processInstanceIds is empty”
API : engine-rest/process-definition/“MY ACTUAL PROCESS DEFID”/restart

“instructions” : [
“type”: “startAfterActivity”,
“activityId”: “MY ACTUAL ACTIVITY ID ”
“initialVariables” : true,
“skipCustomListeners” : false,
“withoutBusinessKey” : true,
“historicProcessInstanceQuery”: {
“processDefinitionId”: “MY ACTUAL PROCESS DEFID”,
“processInstanceIds” : [ “MY ACTUAL PROCESSINSTANCE ID” ],
“processInstanceBusinessKey” : “MY ACTUAL BIZ KEY”,
“externallyTerminated” : true


Solved !!!

Whats act_inst_state_ represents ?

how did you solve this? I am getting BadUserRequestException when i try to restart from api, see my post: