Rest api, activity-instance orderPartiallyByOccurrence?


Is there a way to call rest /history/activity-instance with ordering according to actual execution (for a particular processInstanceId)?

I see that this is exposed as orderPartiallyByOccurrence() in the engine, but cannot find anything similar in rest.

Assuming you have at most one < 1 ms task in a local chain, the following is a workaround we currently use: ordering by starttime ascending and then endtime ascending

Hi @tomaswangen,

Please have a look at the rest docs:
I think you are looking for sortBy=instanceId and don’t forget to add sortOrder param.
Another option is the POST request:

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately that does not work. We use this to lay out the execution order of a historic process so the workaround in my original post should be sufficient for now.

(for reference, workaround using .net Camunda.Api.Client is

.Sorting = new List<SortingInfo<HistoricActivityInstanceQuerySorting>>() { new SortingInfo<HistoricActivityInstanceQuerySorting>() { SortBy = HistoricActivityInstanceQuerySorting.StartTime, SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending }, new SortingInfo<HistoricActivityInstanceQuerySorting>() { SortBy = HistoricActivityInstanceQuerySorting.EndTime, SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending } };

Update: The above workaround breaks for currently running activities as these have endtime == DateTime.MinValue. Ordering client-side gets around this:

var itemsunordered = client.History.ActivityInstances.Query(somequery).List().Result;
var itemsordered = itemsunordered.OrderBy(a => a.StartTime).ThenBy(a => a.EndTime == DateTime.MinValue ? DateTime.MaxValue : a.EndTime);