REST API 7.8 dueBefore dueAfter not working

I am calling the REST API as specified in the documentation

DueBefore and dueAfter parameters get the exact same list of tasks, it seems like they are not performing any filtering at all, since all the tasks due dates are distributed after and before the date of the query.
The date format is the correct one, 2018-01-09T14:42:45.435+0200.

Is it a bug of the 7.8?

Hi @alice,
I’m not able to reproduce the problem.
Could you post exact REST request that you are using: URL + body payload?

HI Alice,

Use date format 2018-01-02T09:45:00.000UTC+00:00.


Thank everyone, I was able to make the query using the date format suggested by kedarik, 2018-01-02T09:45:00.000UTC+00:00 ( not 2018-01-09T14:42:45.435+0200 as seen in the docs Get Tasks | ).


Is there any REST API to set due Date and follow up date for user task

Hi @kavyansha,

please see:


thank you for the reply,but if i use this PUT method then i have to send all the values which are given in the payload like {
“name”: “My Task”,
“description”: “This have to be done very urgent”,
“priority” : 30,
“assignee” : “peter”,
“owner” : “mary”,
“delegationState” : “PENDING”,
“due” : “2014-08-30T10:00:00”,
“followUp” : “2014-08-25T10:00:00”,
“parentTaskId” : “aParentTaskId”,
“caseInstanceId” : “aCaseInstanceId”,
“tenantId” : “tenantId”

if i dont send any of the mention then it will be saved as null