Problem: Admin WebApp doesn't show the Add User button

I have a problem in the Admin WebApp. In the users-menu the Add User Button is not visible.

After checking the source code of the web app, there is a options rest call to user ressource to check the available operations. User Resource Options |
In my case the response is empty, hence no button is displayed.

I’m running the version 2.1.2

Do you have any ideas?



Do the logged in user has admin role or not? Means “camunda BPM Administrators” group of type “System” should be assigned to that user.
Because only Admin role assigned user can add/delete user and all.

Thank you,
Jignesh Pithva.


yes. I’ve even tested it with a admin user created with and it doesnt work :confused:



Can you just verify created admin user has “camunda BPM Administrators” group from Admin camunda window.
It should be as follow in group tab of that user.

Jignesh Pithva.

@MatWeso, can you please check if your admin user or the admin group that the admin user is a member of has the necessary authorizations to create a user? You can check this under the “Users” menu point, see the screenshot below.

You could try giving the admin user or the admin group the following authorization:

Does this help to solve your problem?

Best regards,


yes the camunda-admin group has all permission. Tried also to set permissions to admin user directly, but unfortunately didnt help :confused:

Hi @MatWeso,

you mention:

Can you please check which version is listed at the very right of your browser footer when Admin is open?


Its “Powered by camunda BPM / v7.6.0” … with version 2.1.2 i meant the spring boot starter version.

I got the same problem. It drove me crazy! Problem was in nginx proxy configuration OPTIONS section.