Not able to add Map in the element Template

We have a requirement to add a map as one of the inputParameters in the element Template. Below is the expected output which has a camunda:map as well.

<camunda:inputParameter name=“url”>http://test:9100/service</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name=“method”>POST</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name=“headers”>
<camunda:entry key=“Connection”>keep-alive</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key=“Content-Type”>application/json</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key=“accept”>application/json</camunda:entry>
<camunda:inputParameter name=“payload”>
<camunda:script scriptFormat=“JavaScript”>{{formData}}</camunda:script>
<camunda:outputParameter name=“TestResponse”>
<camunda:script scriptFormat=“JavaScript”>S(response);</camunda:script>

Based on the samples shared for Element Templates, we are not able to add Map type in the sample json file to achieve the above.
Please let us know if the above is supported. If so, please share with the specific json structure to add the camunda:map and camunda:entry items.


Not supported right now, cf. this issue.