New Cockpit Plugin System Coming

Hi Community Folk

If you have custom Cockpit plugins in production, please read this email carefully.

With the Camunda BPM 7.14 release (scheduled for October 13th, 2020), we will launch a new Cockpit plugin system replacing the current plugin system. Existing plugins will have to be migrated to the new plugin system in the context of your overall migration to Camunda BPM 7.14. With this email, we want to inform you about this upcoming change and ask for your feedback.


The new plugin system is designed to make it easier for Camunda users to enhance Cockpit functionality with custom plugins. It is JavaScript framework agnostic and will allow you to develop plugins in any JavaScript framework of your choice. This breaks the dependency on AngularJS 1.7, as we are migrating to more modern front-end technologies.

Why is Camunda doing this?

We are migrating away from AngularJS 1.7 to ensure a safe and secure experience when working with Camunda in the future. Angular JS 1.7 entered its last three year support period on July 1st, 2018, and is facing its end of life in July 2021.

Where can I find more information about the new plugin system?

The new plugin interface will be framework agnostic, using JavaScript modules and DOM elements. This will enable you to use the frontend technology you are most familiar with. Check out this ticket for more information.

How much effort is required to migrate to the new plugin system?

The required effort highly depends on your specific plugin and how tightly your logic is coupled with Angular 1.7 and Camunda directives. As you are free to use any framework, you can continue to facilitate AngularJS 1.7 to keep migration efforts minimal. You can still use the same plugin points and the changes only affect the frontend components of your plugin - Java code and custom REST endpoints are not affected.

Can I talk to Camunda about this?

Post a comment on this post or send an email to and provide your feedback.

Share your feedback

Your opinion and feedback is important to us, so please don’t hesitate to reach out - the earlier the better. Your feedback can potentially be incorporated into the 7.14 release.