Logback with Camunda 7.8.0


We are implementing Camunda 7.8.0 in our project and would be utilizing the capabilities of Slf4j with logback.
Currently my dependencies in the pom file look like:



Could you please suggest if the slf4j version - 1.7.16 and logback version - 1.2.0 used, is compatible with Camunda process engine version 7.8.0

Thanks in advance!!

Hi @AakankshaTej,

I guess that the versions are compatible. Camunda 7.8.0 uses SLF4J in version 1.7.7.

Please report if it doesn’t work.

Best regards,

Thank you Philipp for your response.
I would definitely report if there is any issue with the same. I do understand by the documentation - https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.8/user-guide/logging/#slf4j
that camunda version - 7.8 uses logback-classic version - 1.1.2 and as suggested by you, I will be utilizing slf4j-api verison 1.7.7 as the logging facade.
I hope this would work fine.

Hi Philipp,

We would also be utilizing spring in our project and as per the documentation Camunda succesfully uses spring version 3.1.2 RELEASE but we would like to use spring version 3.2.18 or above in our project. Would that be possible? Which latest spring version could be used with Camunda?

I guess that it will also work :wink: You can also use Spring version 4.x. See the related post : Shared engine + process application - change Spring version

Thank you for the instant response Philipp.