Is there a list of Incident message patterns/templates


Where can i find a list of all Patterns/Templates for the Message, which could be given as Argument into the handleIncident(IncidentContext context, String message)-Methode of an IncidentHandler?

The ProcessEngine generates different Messages for Incidents, depending on where and which Type of Incident appears.

For a “failedJob”-Incident in an Expression of a ServiceTask, the message looks like this:

"Error while evaluating expression: ${my.taskThree(execution)}. Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Message is not allowed to be 'exception'!"

For a “failedJob”-Incident in an Expression of a Compensation-ServiceTask, the message looks like this:

"Error while handling compensation event EventSubscriptionEntity[id=8093b168-521e-11e9-af31-0242dc4520e1, eventType=compensate, eventName=null, executionId=8082252d-521e-11e9-af31-0242dc4520e1, processInstanceId=8082252d-521e-11e9-af31-0242dc4520e1, activityId=Task_0lrgnhh, tenantId=null, configuration=ad5f48ae-521e-11e9-af31-0242dc4520e1, revision=1, created=Fri Mar 29 13:30:57 CET 2019]"

The Message for an Compensation-ServiceTask gives much more information about where the Incident happens instead of the IncidentContext.
The Message for a normal ServiceTask-Expression does not have such information.

Why are the messages so different and why does the IncidentContext don’t have such information as well?
