Install modeler on EC2

I am trying to run modeller on Linux ec2-instance but getting following error while trying to execute camunda-modeler

./camunda-modeler: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

I am using camunda-modeler-4.11.1-linux-x64 distribution

Hi @rahulnanda24
What Linux distribution are you using?

Hi @Alex_Voloshyn

@rahulnanda24 I’ve asked about EC2 Linux distribution, not the Modeler. Is it RedHat, Ubuntu, etc?

Oh My bad! ,It is ubuntu

Can you execute the following steps and give it another try with Modeler?

Update the package index:
# sudo apt-get update
Install libxshmfence1 package:
# sudo apt-get install libxshmfence1

Now ,Received the following error:

INFO app:main:bootstrap starting Camunda Modeler v4.11.1
INFO app:cli parsing [ ‘/home/ubuntu/camunda-modeler-4.11.1-linux-x64/camunda-modeler’ ] in ‘/home/ubuntu/camunda-modeler-4.11.1-linux-x64’
INFO app:flags searching for flags.json in paths [
INFO app:flags found []
INFO app:flags active {}
INFO app:error-tracking Cannot initialize Sentry: Crash reports not enabled.
INFO app:plugins searching for plugins/*/index.js in paths [
INFO app:plugins found plug-in entries []
INFO app:plugins registered []
The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
Aborted (core dumped)

Can you try to execute export DISPLAY=:0 and try again?

No, I am getting the same error.

Can you provide the output of the following command? lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

Is it Ubuntu Desktop(with GUI) or Server version(without GUI by default)?

it is server version (without GUI)

Ok. I do not have experience with the setup of Modeler on the server version. Maybe other guys will be able to help you.


Now i am trying on Amazon Linux 2 GUI, But still getting the error
INFO app:main:bootstrap starting Camunda Modeler v4.8.1
INFO app:cli parsing [ ‘/home/ec2-user/camunda-modeler-4.8.1-linux-x64/’ ] in ‘/home/ec2-user/camunda-modeler-4.8.1-linux-x64’
INFO app:flags searching for flags.json in paths [
INFO app:flags found []
INFO app:flags active {}
INFO app:error-tracking Cannot initialize Sentry: Crash reports not enabled.
INFO app:plugins searching for plugins/*/index.js in paths [
INFO app:plugins found plug-in entries []
INFO app:plugins registered []
Segmentation fault

Hi @rahulnanda24
As I see you’re using Modeler v4.8.1.
Can you please try the latest version 4.11.1? - download link

Also, you can check supported and reported to work Linux versions- Supported Environments |

Can you please tell , How can I download Camunda using ec2 instance (by selecting windows microsoft) in windows. Commands to install Camunda through AWS windows CLI.