Http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html is empty

I downloaded the version running with tomcat, clicked on the .Bat but the page http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html is empty - what is the issue ?

Using CATALINA_BASE: “C:\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.10.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.12”
Using CATALINA_HOME: “C:\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.10.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.12”
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: “C:\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.10.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.12\temp”
Using JRE_HOME: “C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201”
Using CLASSPATH: “C:\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.10.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.12\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.10.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.12\bin\tomcat-juli.jar”

Hi @Jean-Marc_Ohayon,

the engine takes a few seconds to start up so you can not access the webapps immediately.

When starting the engine with the .bat-file a console from the Tomcat opens. Are there any errors or problems displayed in the logs?


Try to check environment variable JAVA_HOME