How to upload multiple external-form with API from curl

Hi I have a diagram bpm and have a external-form html per task.
I tried upload the diagram with forms but only upload one form becouse I see only one form in Deployment section Camunda.


curl -w “\n” --cookie cookie.txt -H “Accept: application/json” -F “deployment-name=NameProcess” -F “enable-duplicate-filtering=false” -F “deploy-changed-only=falses” -F “externalJsonTest.bpmn=@diagram.bpmn” -F “form.html=@form1.html” -F “form.html=@form2.html”

How to upload more that one external-form in the same process?

Did you every get a response?

Hi @iperez

You are using the same form parameter for all your files

Replace below
-F “form.html=@form1.html” -F “form.html=@form2.html”
-F “form1=@form1.html” -F “form2=@form2.html”