How to inform processinstance about a "this is job retry execution" information


in our application we are handling failed jobs. We can also retry a failed Job by setting the number of retries left to a value >0 via the management service. This works fine through our own interface. But: The restart of a failed job is influencing the behaviour in one of our delegates. The delegate should do some preparation before it executes other stuff. To specify it: Whenever a user has clicked on “retry job”, the delegate should delete something in our database before it continues with the other stuff. If it is not a failed job retry, just a normal execution inside the workflow, it should behave as normal. So i need in our delegate the information like:

 if(<this execution is a failed-job retry, caused by a user>){
    // prepare something that needs to be done, when it is a job retry
 // do what you are allways doing 

What would be a good approach to do that? I have also written and registered an Incident Handler like this:

public class CustomIncidentHandler extends org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.incident.DefaultIncidentHandler {
      public RequestIncidentHandler(String type) {

  public void handleIncident(IncidentContext context, String message) {
    Incident incident = super.createIncident(context, message);
    // just a preparation if we want to add function , for instance -> write a mail to an admin if an incident occurs

  public void resolveIncident(IncidentContext context) {
    System.out.println(context.getConfiguration() + ": resolveIncident called");

  protected void removeIncident(IncidentContext context, boolean incidentResolved) {
    System.out.println(context.getConfiguration() + ": remove Incident called!");


Maybe i could use this to pass some information through the engine, but i don’t know how to access the process engine in this handler class. I would be glad if you have some ideas how to handle this situation.

Thanks a lot and best regards,

Hi @Andy,

currently, there is no way to get this information.

Maybe you can use the incident handler to set a process variable which indicated that a retry happens. In the delegate, you can access the variable and do the additional stuff if set.

Best regards,