How to get the current date in FEEL in Camunda v7.13

Previously it was possible to define the expression like ‘(date(now()) - date(“2020-01-05”)).days’
but it appears that the FEEL engine which is deployed with Camunda v7.13 doesn’t have now() function anymore.

Is there any workaround how I can get the current date in the expression?

If not - where can I find examples how I can register custom function providers? And is that possible to register a custom function providers when using Camunda as a Docker image (based on Tomcat)?

Hi @alexey.kadyrov,

the Camunda BPM FEEL Engine <= 7.12 did not support the now() function. You are probably referring to the FEEL Scala Process Engine Plugin, right?

When we added the FEEL Scala Engine to the official Camunda BPM stack, our focus was to make the migration path between the legacy Camunda BPM FEEL Engine and the FEEL Scala Engine as friction-less as possible. Unfortunately, the built-in functions (now(), currentUser(), currentUserGroups()) which were part of the FEEL Scala Process Engine plugin didn’t make it to Camunda BPM 7.13. However, there is an open feature request to make at least the now() function part of the FEEL Scala Engine feature set.

Feel free to create a feature request in the Camunda BPM issue tracker to additionally make the functions currentUser() & currentUserGroups() available in the Camunda BPM FEEL Engine.


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Yep. Thanks for the reply. Will create the feature request.