How to force update/rerendering of a properties panel tab?


i have extended the properties panel with an additional tab and show there among other things at UserTask some infos about the form fields on this new tab.

Is there a way I can have my new tab updated when the form fields change?

Thanks in advance

The Properties Panel itself has an update functionality to react on those changes, which also get executed whenever the current element changed.

Is that what you’re looking for? If not, can you maybe described more detailed what you want to achieve?

Hi, thank you very much for your answer.

I would like to display an individual summary of different information from different tabs on an additional, new tab - let’s call it “Info”. However, not as additional input fields, but only as “text”.

For example, if you create a new “form field” on the “Forms”-tab and then switch back to the “Info” tab, the information on the “Info”-tab should be updated accordingly.

I am looking forward to receiving tips on how I can best achieve this.

Do you already have something to share which we can refer to? Some code snippets or even a codesandbox with the things you already did. It would be helpful to assist you more in detail