How to design a process with multiple instances connecting to one task?


I’m new to Camunda and would appreciate some help with modelling a process.

  1. I have multiple users submitting different forms and it will be displayed to the factory accountant to be reviewed. (one form divided among several users)

  2. Factory Accountant views and gives his comment and passes the task to the next person.

  3. The 3rd person cannot view his task until all the forms are reviewed by the Factory Accountant.

But my problem is, how do I tell the engine that all the forms are completed?
I have attached an example diagram.
I would appreciate some help.

Thank you!testProcess.bpmn (4.9 KB)

You could use a multi-instance marker on the task, it would look something like this:

Hi Niall,

Thank you for your reply.
I will try that and see how it goes.

Thank you