hideCompleteButton being reset in recent Camunda versions

Good day -

We use the $scope.options.hideCompleteButton = true setting to hide the default Camunda tasklist buttons, and provide our own custom buttons (which take actions in addition to completing the task) in our embedded forms.

We are busy moving from Camunda 7.8 to Camunda 7.11.3 and finding that the tasklist is now resetting this property to false in certain situations, such as when a task is claimed, causing the default buttons to become voisible again.

This is new behaviour, and is difficult to stop/manage from the embedded form, since the form is not reloaded when the task is claimed.

This has probably been introduced to solve a problem but possibly without considering how custom embedded forms interact with the setting - or is there some way I can monitor/override this to keep the buttons hidden?


Hi @Ettery,

I see that you are using the enterprise version, so I would recommend you to create a support ticket for this issue.

In the meantime, you can try to use user styles to hide the buttons on css level, e.g.:

.form-actions {
  display: none;

Thanks Martin, that is working for us.

Was this issue fixed?