Get variable from the completed process

Hello everybody,

Is there a way to retrieve the variable which was set at a process after the process complete?

Thank you!

@Yury, Do you want to retrieve process variables for the completed processes?

@aravindhrs yes, I do.
The situation looks something like this

   @PostMapping(value = "/question")
   public ResponseEntity<ResponseToUi> sendQuestion(@RequestBody questionDto questionDto) {
       VariableMap variableMap = Variables
               .putValue("question", questionDto.getQuestion());
       runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("questionProcess", variableMap);
       //during the execution process, I set up a variable which shows me which response I should send to the client
      //retrieve value
       if(*some condition with retrieved value*) {
           throw new CustomException();
       return new ResponseEntity<>(new ResponseToUi(SUCCESS, EMAIL_IS_SENT), HttpStatus.OK);

@Yury, I hope this might help you. By using DefaultProcessEngine history service can be accesed like:

HistoryService historyService = BpmPlatform.getDefaultProcessEngine().getHistoryService();

HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance = historyService

List<HistoricVariableInstance> historicVariableInstances =

String variableName = historicVariableInstances.get(0).getName();

Object variableValue = historicVariableInstances.get(0).getValue();

If you have named process engine, then history service can be accessed like:


@aravindhrs Thank you!
I will try this solution

@Yury, In Spring environment, you can directly access the history service by autowiring.

private HistoryService historyService;


HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance = historyService

List<HistoricVariableInstance> historicVariableInstances =