External workers task polling from external task list

  1. How the external workers know that the task was created and available in an external task list, so that worker can poll the task?

  2. How the process engine publishes a unit of work to a worker?

  3. How the worker aware of the external task was created?

Polling means that the workers periodically ask the engine if there is work for them. I hope that answers all three questions.

edit: also have a look at the long polling feature for an optimization: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/user-guide/process-engine/external-tasks/#long-polling-to-fetch-and-lock-external-tasks

So is that we need to implement polling logic to fetch the external task from list via Rest API, and currently there’s no implementation of polling logic available in camunda process?

There are client libraries in Java and Javascript that do this for you:

In other languages, you have to do it yourself.

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Can we convert this camunda-external-task-client-java as Microservice?