Extending JUL with Java functions for global use

how can we extend JUL with Java functions so that they can be used from different DMNs in a shared camunda server. I have tried the example (AzimoLabs/extend-camunda-dmn-jul-with-java-functions) but the extended functions are not accessable from DMNs not deployed in this war. Our goal is to provide a set of functions to provide complex business functions in an easy way to our users.
Is this possible?
Any help will be appreciated.


I have managed to have it working. I have adapted the example from:
https://medium.com/azimolabs/extending-juel-with-custom-functions-in-camunda-dmn-engine-616f38d200f3. I decided to use the FunctionMapper approach.

The business function, just an example:

public class DateHelper {

    public static Date addDays(Date date, Integer days) {
        if (date == null) {
            return new Date();
        LocalDateTime dt = new LocalDateTime(date.getTime(), DateTimeZone.getDefault());
        dt = dt.plusDays(days);
        return dt.toDate();

The FunctionMapper:

public class ExFunctionsMapper extends FunctionMapper {

private final static String PREFIX = "ex";
private static Map<String, Method> functionCache = null;

public Method resolveFunction(String prefix, String localName) {
    return functionCache.get(getFullFunctionName(prefix, localName));

private String getFullFunctionName(String prefix, String localName) {
    return prefix + ":" + localName;

private void ensureFunctionMapInitialized() {
    if (functionCache == null) {
        synchronized (MoraFunctionsMapper.class) {
            if (functionCache == null) {
                functionCache = new HashMap<>();

private void createMethodBindings() {
    try {
        functionCache.put(getFullFunctionName(PREFIX, "addDays"),
                DateHelper.class.getMethod("addDays", java.util.Date.class, Integer.class));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FunctionRegistrationFailedException(ex);

and the Plugin:

public class ExProcessEnginePlugin extends AbstractProcessEnginePlugin {
     public void postInit(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {
         processEngineConfiguration.getExpressionManager().addFunctionMapper(new ExFunctionsMapper());

The plugin is registered using the bpm-platfom.xml:


I registered this FunctionMapper inside the ProcessEngine as a plugin as described in the DmnDecisionChainingPlugin.java example.
I can now access the custom function from inside the Dmn using ex:addDays(date, days) and it works fine but now I am struggling with testing. How can I register this plugin in the embedded DmnEngine for executing JUnit-Tests. I can only find examples with Spring Beans.
Any help will be appreciated?


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Has anyone an idea how to register this plugin in the embedded DmnEngine for execution of JUnit-Tests?
It doesn’t matter what I try nothing works, the custom functions are not recognized during the JUnit-Test.
