Error while starting new Process Instance

I am trying to start a process instance using Rest API and getting this error. This is in Camunda 7.12 version and using SQL Server. I do not see any reference to column name INITIAL_ in any DB table, still this exception has occurred. Please suggest what could be the reason for this issue.

“type”: “RestException”,

"message": "Cannot instantiate process definition 986b766c-bfd5-11ea-9828-025056003891: ENGINE-03004 Exception while executing Database Operation 'INSERT HistoricVariableUpdateEventEntity[c9b0386d-ccb4-11ea-9b1b-025056003910]' with message '\n### Error flushing statements.  Cause: org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchExecutorException: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricDetailEntity.insertHistoricVariableUpdateEvent (batch index #2) failed. 1 prior sub executor(s) completed successfully, but will be rolled back. Cause: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Invalid column name 'INITIAL_'.\n### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchExecutorException: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricDetailEntity.insertHistoricVariableUpdateEvent (batch index #2) failed. 1 prior sub executor(s) completed successfully, but will be rolled back. Cause: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Invalid column name 'INITIAL_'.'. Flush summary:

Are you sure about the version of Camunda you’re running? It looks like that column was added as part of a feature, CAM-10978, in this commit. It was released in 7.13. So if you’re running 7.13 against a database configured for 7.12 (i.e. without running the upgrade scripts for 7.13), I would expect such an error.

Yes, you are right. I realized that later that it was running on 7.13 but the DB schema was not updated. I am running with Spring boot starter and the dependencies were added in gradle build file, but the DB changes were not reflected post the update. Is there a way to execute DB scripts by adding it as dependency instead of executing the DDL externally to update the Schema ?

I would stick to the recommendations found in the Update & Migration docs.

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