Do the user manage to finish the process timely?

Hi all,

I evaluate bpm engines for the following business case:

  • Get the information, where the user is in the current process
  • Is the user in time, or in other words, is he able to finish the process considering deadlines and time needed to complete sub tasks.

Can you please assist me, if camunda is able to provide this information and which version (community/enterprise) is needed for that


All of this is certainly possible within Camunda. I’ll share a few links with you to Camunda’s online documentation that may be helpful for you:

  1. To retrieve basic information about a running process instance, you can call the following REST endpoint from any language that can interact via HTTP:
  2. To then retrieve the activity where it’s currently waiting, you can call this endpoint, passing in either a process instance id or a business key to search:

Please see my next post for some additional information.


@ryans58 thank you for reply. But how can I see, how many time is needed to finish the process?


To continue the above, here’s some additional information that may prove helpful:

  1. I mentioned business keys in #2 above; you can get more information about them via the following link:
  2. Finally, here’s some information regarding the ability to set due dates on User Tasks: Note that it is possible to use REST API queries to retrieve a list of tasks that are overdue, and you could also specify additional filters, such as - for example - those required to only retrieve overdue tasks for a given process instance.

I hope these links help!



The time required to complete a process instance is highly variable based on the design of its process definition. When you consider the following information together, it’s possible to get a rough understanding of how much time might remain, however:

  1. Where you currently are in the process instance. (See #2 in my first post above.)
  2. The design of the process definition, i.e. those steps that remain.
  3. Whether those remaining steps include wait steps, i.e. User Tasks or steps that wait for external interactions such as messages. If they don’t, then the instance will likely be completed pretty much as soon as the current step - possibly a User Task - is completed.
