DMN - REST - Returns empty

When i send the data through REST, iam getting successful response (200) from DMN table, but it does not return any data. It returns empty braces.

I supposed to get the below :

But, iam getting this :

I have checked my Variables and values in DMN table. It looks good and there are no blank rows.
Could you please let me know where do i need modifications to get the expected output.

Thanks in advance.

@rprasad19 which rest api endpoint you are calling for posting the payload?

Here are the details Aravind :

DMN Table :


@rprasad19 can you upload your dmn model?

Here it is Aravind. thanks for looking into it.beverage123.dmn (2.9 KB)

Hi @rprasad19,

I’ve checked your table in the DMN Simulator:

And it works as expected, providing “Dale Cooper” and “Moring” as input.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thanks Ingo for looking into it.