DMN-01002 Unable to evaluate expression for language 'juel': '

we are getting exception
when we put implementation AS DMN and calling BPMN
using spring boot application
not able to solve the issue

16:22:41.706 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: DMN-01002 Unable to evaluate expression for language ‘juel’: ‘${sbRemLtCards}’

org.camunda.bpm.dmn.engine.impl.DmnEvaluationException: DMN-01002 Unable to evaluate expression for language ‘juel’: ‘${sbRemLtCards}’

Please find the uploaded screen shot

Hello @ajitbooravelli,
Your process seems not to provide the process variable sbRemLtCards.
Can you check that?

Best, McAlm

Please find the attached basicflow.bpmn (3.3 KB) dmn1.dmn (2.6 KB) Bpmn and DMN File

we are trying to call dmn file from bpmn in java spring boot,is it correct way of calling dmn file as shown in below pic from modeller

The way you reference your DMN is correct. You need to pass a variable sbRemLtCards to the process instance when you start one. You need to start a process instance via REST or Java-API or via Camunda-Tasklist to provide this variable. When starting a process instance from within your modeler there is no way to add a variable.

Best, McAlm