Display documentation for all activities


there is a plugin that can display a yellow corner for the activities that have non empty documentation. When the mouse is hovered over the yellow corner, the docs text is displayed.

Is there a plugin that would display the docs text for all nodes at once (e.g. yellow popups)? This would be a toggle switch (show all / hide all). Or should I create a feature request in the project?



There is, the plugin “camunda-modeler-property-info-plugin” has this function.
Just add it to the …\resources\plugins folder.

Next you should open the Modeler and test! To activate or deactivate you can use the Alt+Y key

This is the plugin I referenced im my original post. What I wand is to display all the texts, not just the corners. Is the plugin capable of that?

Hi @fml2,

Not that I know.

That would be the best way to create awareness by the maintainers.

Hope this helps, Ingo