Creating a topic worker in Python

Hello everyone,

I am new to Camunda and I intend to work on it for my Thesis. As far as I have realised, Camunda basically works for languages like Java or JavaScript. I come from a non- informatics background and have learnt Python to some extent. I intend to build my process on Camunda using Pyhton. Where do I start with? Where can I find relevant information and examples for the same? Could anyone help?

Thanks in advance…


Hi @ichbinrk,

Nele had a nice talk about this subject at CamundaCon 2019:

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hello Mr. Ingo Richtsmeier,

thank you for this link. I have gone through this before.

Unfortunately this is the only content I find on Internet when it comes to Camunda with Python.

But thanks a lot for your time.


There are lots of resources available, also a ready to use lib in python.

Hi McAlm,

thank you so much. I guess I did not do my research properly.

Thanks a ton :slight_smile:

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