Compensation in parallel scenario

I’m designing a process definition brinin together cancel and compensation following this post:

In my use case I have a parallel gateway within a transactional subprocess and my doubt are:

  1. how can I apply compensation in parallel scenario?

  2. how can I send cancel process message message (for example a cancel button from UI) for this use case?

To simplify explanation below a draft for my process definition:

Is there an available reference?

Thanks in advance, best regards

Hi @antonior,

compensation works also for parallel executions. You can attach a compensation handler on every activity or have a compensation event sub-process.

What exactly are you try to model?
Can you explain how your process should work?

Please have a look at the documentation.

If you want to cancel the activities and trigger the compensation handlers then you can model an intermediated (boundary) message catch event which is triggered by the cancel button from UI. After the message event, you throw the compensation event.

Best regards,

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