Can i use a build of camunda-modeler in browser?

Hey! I installed camunda-modeler from GitHub - camunda/camunda-modeler: An integrated modeling solution for BPMN, DMN and Forms based on repository.
Next, I ran the “npm run build” command.
After building the project, the assembly itself appeared in the app/public folder.
Can I somehow run it in my browser without the participation of Electron

Hi @AlexBoldarev , welcome to the forum :+1:

As you already said, the client part of the Camunda Modeler is created to work upon Electron. The app itself is built upon React, with some magic happen to interact with the Electron background. So theoretically, it should be possible to make it run in the browser if you build the interaction part on your own.

For the modeling editors inside, we use, which is embeddable into any web application by design. There are also several distributions that bundle for different contexts (Camunda Platform, Camunda Cloud).

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Ok, thank you )