302 Redirect is killing port 8080 (or 8443) in the browser URL


I set up a camunda server in a tomcat 8 with enabled ssl support. The http port is 8080, ssl is listening on 8443 (the default). Everything is working fine with one exception.

When I point the browser to http://hostname:8080/camunda it gets a 302 redirect to http://hostname/camunda/ (note the trailing slash), but port 8080 is gone, the connection fails at this point). When I add the port 8080 (again http to hostname and 8080/camunda/) the next redirect is thrown: to camunda/app/tasklist/default/ (again without 8080). Now, in a last step with port 8080 added again the login page show up and everything is fine from this point. The same happens with https and port 8443.

Simple question: who can I preserve the port?


Hi @MichaelRenner,

I do not have such problem locally, could you please attach your server configuration files?



thanks for your answer and the info “works for me”. I compared my server.xml with that from the distribution and found the entry that is causing the problem:

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           proxyName="${cc.http.proxyName}" proxyPort="${cc.http.proxyPort}" connectionTimeout="${org.apache.coyote.http11.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}" scheme="http" maxThreads="${cc.http.maxThreads}" minSpareThreads="${cc.http.minSpareThreads}" acceptCount="${cc.http.acceptCount}"
            redirectPort="8443" />

where cc.http.proxyPort is 80. It seems that connecting tomcat direct works as long as there is no redirect. I checked this by changing cc.http.proxyPort to 83. Well, now I know that it is somhow evel to connect the process direct. It’s not a problem to use the “offical” proxy, even in the development phase.


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