ServiceTask workflow has no instance


I have followed along to the beginner tutorials that were done in eclipse.
I use intellij ide for my development.
I created a workflow that is basically the same as the checkweather example
used in the video. So it contains two service tasks just as in the video.

The workflow deploys and I can create a process for it when I run it locally, however
an instance is not created for me to be able to view the history of the workflow.

I understand that because it is a service task I won’t see it as an active process, however why is the history not appearing?
How can I resolve this as I need to be able to see that the code attached is working properly?

Thanks for your time,

@LinkKnight, Events and Service task execution history will be persisted in the act_hi_actinst . You can find the difference in below query results that taskId is created for events or service tasks in the act_hi_actinst table.

Refer this sample bpmn: scheduledProcess.bpmn (3.7 KB) which has timer start event, script task and user task.

You can deploy this bpmn and run the below query, you can find below results:

select * from act_hi_actinst where PROC_DEF_KEY_='scheduledProcess';


select * from act_hi_actinst where PROC_DEF_KEY_='scheduledProcess' and PROC_INST_ID_='e74f537a-8086-11ea-9dcb-507b9dc4ed46';


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