Can't use json file data in embedded form

In my case i get data from database and then synchronize it as a json object , after that i will write it in a json file and then i want to load this json file data into my embedded html form and use it properly for this reason i have tried this method:
but i in my case received json file content was always empty i have also used this code:

inject([ '$scope', '$http', 'Uri', function($scope, $http, Uri) {
          camForm.on('form-loaded', function() {
            var deploymentId = camForm["options"]["deploymentId"];

            function jsonFileNeeded(value) {
              return value["name"] == "data.json";

              $http.get(Uri.appUri('engine://engine/:engine/deployment/' + deploymentId + '/resources')).
                            success(function(data) {

                                 var jsonResourceId = data.filter(jsonFileNeeded)[0]["id"];

                                 $http.get(Uri.appUri('engine://engine/:engine/deployment/' + deploymentId + '/resources/' + jsonResourceId + '/data')).
                                             success(function(data) {
                                                  // var jsonFile = data;
                                                  $scope.jsonFile = data;
                                                  // console.log(camForm);

but when i print this jsonFile in conosle i can’t see nor null neither any Json array
what should i change to load json file data in html form?