org.camunda.bpm.rpa: #optional license file location, defaults to camunda-license.txt on the classpath or ${user.home}/.camunda/license.txt license-file: file:///C:/Users/abraaoneves/camunda-license.txt camunda-api: url: http://localhost:8080/engine-rest # authentication: # type: basic # username: demo # password: demo #add authentication if necessary #authentication: #type: basic #username: #password: uipath-api: #a list of external task topics to subscribe to topics: uipath, RPA #the base URL of your UiPath Orchestrator to send requests to (adjust to your Orchestrator URL, use / for UiPath Automation Cloud) url: #optional Account Logical Name (necessary if you use UiPath Automation Cloud) account-name: industriasneves #Tenant Logical Name tenant-name: DefaultTenant #optional folder path, defaults to “Default” folder-path: Default #optional organization unit id organization-unit-id: 2528746 authentication: #type can be either on-premises (UiPath On-Premises) or cloud (UiPath Automation Cloud) type: cloud #for on-premises installations, adjust to your Orchestrator URL #auth-url:/api/account/authenticate #auth-url for cloud auth-url: #use / (on-premises) or (cloud) user: 8DEv1AMNXczW3y4U15LL3jYf62jK93n5 #use (on-premise) or / (cloud) key: vKrx_Bw6UgB9VvWQE-N_LJIDuTHDk2vs6zPV80V0f_E_K #the job status update mechanism to use, can be either webhook or polling status-update-method: polling #webhook: #secret used in your UiPath webhook configuration (only required if ‘status-update-method’ is set to ‘webhook’) #secret: #optional relative path of the webhook endpoint in your application, defaults to ‘/webhook/event’ #path: #polling: #the rate in milliseconds to use for polling bot status updates, defaults to 4000 #rate-ms: #the initial delay in milliseconds before polling for bot status updates starts after application startup, defaults to 4000 #init-delay-ms: #the number of jobs to poll for in one request in order to not exceed the API request character limit, defaults to 13 #poll-size: server.port: 8081