window.camTasklistConf = { // change the app name and vendor // app: { // name: 'Todos', // vendor: 'Company' // }, // // configure the date format // "dateFormat": { // "normal": "LLL", // "long": "LLLL" // }, // // "locales": { // "availableLocales": ["en", "de"], // "fallbackLocale": "en" // }, // // custom libraries and scripts loading and initialization, // see: customScripts: { // AngularJS module names ngDeps: [], // RequireJS configuration for a complete configuration documentation see: // deps: ['loadSimpleMDE', 'simplemde'], paths: { // if you have a folder called `custom-ui` (in the `scripts` folder) // with a file called `scripts.js` in it and defining the `custom-ui` AMD module 'loadSimpleMDE': 'scripts/loadSimpleMDE', 'simplemde': 'scripts/simplemde.min' } }, 'shortcuts': { 'claimTask': { 'key': 'ctrl+alt+c', 'description': 'claims the currently selected task' }, 'focusFilter': { 'key': 'ctrl+shift+f', 'description': 'set the focus to the first filter in the list' }, 'focusList': { 'key': 'ctrl+alt+l', 'description': 'sets the focus to the first task in the list' }, 'focusForm': { 'key': 'ctrl+alt+f', 'description': 'sets the focus to the first input field in a task form' }, 'startProcess': { 'key': 'ctrl+alt+p', 'description': 'opens the start process modal dialog' } } };