What to use


I have a design question and am thinking what is be to use.

I have a list of states and dates that is want to do stuff on:

I have:

| State | Owner | OrderDayOlds
| Ready | Jan | 30
| Running | Jan | 10

So basicly I have a table of action that I want to uses as input to perform an action on.

So this table has to produce 2 entries in a list with the each the data On that row.

I tried to use a descion table for this with Collect and NO_LIST_AGGREGRATION but that result in an error typeDefinition=DmnTypeDefinitionImpl{typeName=‘integer’}}], rules=[]}’ has a compound output but output ‘DmnDecisionTableOutputImpl{id=‘OutputClause_0zv9qyx’, name=‘null’, outputName=‘null’, typeDefinition=DmnTypeDefinitionImpl{typeName=‘string’}}’ does not have an output name.

If I can fix that this will work. So if that is possible. Its also an option. :slight_smile:

But is there a better way of doing this?

So What would you do?


Can you help me solve that error?


Can you upload your DMN table and also explain how you’re starting it?

I already solved, I upgraded to the last modeler and now it works :slight_smile: