What is the default password for 'John' account?

When I want to change it I see field:
"Demo Demo’s Password*: " what’s that? I do not want to change ‘demo’s’ password - just John’s one.

I tried to create user. Created one, assigned to group ‘accounting’, unlocked but no way to log in:
**Login Failed** **:** Wrong credentials, locked user or missing access rights to application

And what’s the purpose of user’s account in community Camunda? If I understand it correctly it has no options to build some forms (this is only in enterprise edition).


Should be john

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Thanks, but it does not work


By default john only has access to tasklist as it’s intended to represent a process worker.
You’re trying to log into cockpit.

If you like you can use the demo user to change the authorizations.


Thank you. I can create some ‘forms’ in community?

You can indeed.
You can use embedded forms at the moment, the next Camunda release will have a form builder to make it easier. All available in the community version of course.

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Thanks. I will take a look