What is the best practice to pass huge Object with several attributes to process variable

I have Order object which I want to pass to service task but it is huge. Is there a best practice to pass this as a process variable ?

Hi @Vinaya_Nayak,

If the data to be consumed by a service task implemented as Java delegate then it might worth passing it as transient variable so it doesn’t get saved into the database.



hassangThanks for the quick reply. The way this variable can be accessed in the JavaDelegate is same as accessing any other process variable?

Order order = (Order) execution.getVariable(“order”);

Hi @Vinaya_Nayak,

Yes, reading transient variables is no different from reading regular variables.

Below is an example of creating a transient variable.

com.example.Order order = new com.example.Order();
TypedValue typedTransientObjectValue = Variables.objectValue(order, true).create()