User Tasks - editable email

In the process of gathering the business needs and modeling the process we came across with the need for a manual step - XXX need to send an email to yyyyy

The email can’t be automated at this point (since it needs some kind of complicated logic for adding the attachment) therefor we thought that “User Task” can be suitable for this.

The question is, is there a simple way of customizing a form or any other way to assign user XXX and in a click this will open a form that will be an editable email ? (that user can add attachments… an addition to the parts that can be populated automatically)


I would use a user task with forms to gather the information, then use a service task with the email connector to send the email. You could consider using a freemarker template to format the email from content fragments entered via the user task…



Thanks. what about attachments ?


Yes you can upload files via task forms. Thus you could attach these to an email [1]


