User task enum form field default to blank and require selection

Right now we are using enum form field with values for Yes & No and it always defaults to the top value even though we leave the default value blank.

This causes a problem because the user will simply click complete and they are not forced to select an option.

Is there a way to have it default to blank or empty and they are forced to select an option?

Nobody is having problems with Enum Default Values and the user simple clicking Complete?

Hi @GChester1

Generally form fields don’t have a lot of this kind of functionality as it’s really just intended for prototyping UI for PoC and things like that. If you need anything more functional it’s better to use embedded forms. Then you can use HTML, Javascript and CSS to make your form much better.

We are in the middle of addressing the issue of making front end form building easier… so in time it’ll improve.