Use connector on Camunda Platform Docker Images

I’m trying to use http connector in Camunda Platform Docker Images, which is provided by the following github repo.

But when I try to deploy my bpmn, which locally works fine (7.16.0), I’m getting the following error.

ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:

  • One of the attributes ‘class’, ‘delegateExpression’, ‘type’, or ‘expression’ is mandatory on serviceTask.

I assume I have to add the .jar files to a certain directory in the container.

Could someone tell me the following things?

  1. what jar files I should add?
    is it ok to only add camunda-connect-connectors-all-1.5.2.jar?

  2. in which directory should I add the file(s)

I’ve read the following FAQ.
Http-connector on Azure - Process Engine - Camunda Platform Forum

Can you please share the process that fails.

The error message seems to indicate that you have a service task without proper configuration.

Hi JussiL

here is the file
sample-process_.bpmn (3.2 KB)

Hi JussiL

As I said in the first post, the bpmn locally works fine. (I used Embedded Engine mode using the following sample.)

But I’d like to run the same bpmn in a container.

Hey @Koki_Morita ,

the error message you mention does indicate that Connect is not fully set up.

1. what jar files I should add?
is it ok to only add camunda-connect-connectors-all-1.5.2.jar?

Besides the camunda-connect-connectors-all.jar you also need the camunda-engine-plugin-connect.jar which is the Process Engine Plugin to add Connect to the Camunda Platform.

2. in which directory should I add the file(s)

Add both .jars to your container to /camunda/configuration/userlib/

Hi @berolinum

Thank you for the reply.
The problem has been solved :slightly_smiling_face:

you helped us out!
thank you so much again.