Upgrade Springboot version from 2.1.1 to 2.2.1


Currently i am using Camunda BPM version 7.11.0

I need to Upgrade Camunda version from 7.11.0 to 7.13.0.

The spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.2.* is suggested by Camunda official website for Camunda 7.13.
But on our application we have used RBS project dws-spring-boot-parent as parent project and inside that parent project the specify version of spring-boot-starter-parent is 2.1.1

while Upgrading i have done the DB Changes from 7.11 to 7.13 .

In service pom.xml i used below dependency.

in parent pom.xml i use below dependency to overide the springboot version 2…1.1 but it is not overriding.

org.springframework.boot spring-boot-dependencies 2.2.1.RELEASE pom import

How to override springboot version 2.1.1 with 2.2.1?

kindly suggest us what dependency/changes need to do.

Hi @Aedu,

The spring boot version used in 7.13.0 spring boot starter is 2.2.5.RELEASE.
So I would assume that some dependency is overriding it if you see 2.2.1.RELEASE
To adjust the spring boot version correctly please have a look at our user guide:

Scroll to the bottom:

If you want to use a newer supported version, configure dependencyManagement in your application, e.g. add the following when using Maven:

      <version>2.x.y.RELEASE</version> <!-- set correct version here -->

If this still don’t work please consider sharing you pom.xml so we can have a look.

Best regards,