"Unknown property used in expression" - Can't find the issue

Hey folks :slight_smile:

I have a simple main-process (process.bpmn) with several sub-processes. Every sub process checks a research request. The result could be either, the request is approved or dismissed.

If you look at the subprocess “Vollständigkeit_prüfen” it ends with either the varialbe “antragZugelassen” is true or false. Depending on the result the process ends or the message is move forward to the next process.

I tried to apply the same principle to the other subprocesses (“Prüfen_Antrag” and “Prüfen_Antrag_Dekan”) but somehow, every time I choose the path request is dismissed I get the following error:

An error happened while submitting the task form : 
Cannot submit task form 192d4ed5-4012-11ea-a5cf-0242ac110002: Unknown property used in         
expression: #{antragZugelassenStudiendekan}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifierantragZugelassenStudiendekan'

I used the same configuration as in the process “Vollständigkeit_prüfen” and there is works fine…

Attached you can find the BPMN files and the WAR package.

Thank you for your help!

Best wishes,
MatthiasPruefen_Antrag.bpmn (10.4 KB) Pruefen_Antrag_Dekan.bpmn (10.2 KB) process.bpmn (22.4 KB) Vollständigkeit_pruefen.bpmn (24.9 KB)

Can you be more specific about exactly which element of which process is causing the error?

The error occurs in the processes “Pruefen_Antrag” and “Pruefen_Antrag_Dekan” after completing the task “Beteiligte Informieren”. As stated in the error-message, the variable “antragZugelassenStudiendekan” or “antragZugelassenDekan” couldnt be resolved.
This variable is set in the User-Tasks “Antrag ablehnen” in both processes.

The idea is, that after subprocess ends based on the value of the variable “antragZugelassenStudiendekan” or “antragZugelassenDekan” the process ends or goes on.

If you’re calling the process using a Call Activity you need to map the return variable to the parent.
Do this on the variables tab when you select the Call Activity: