Unable to view flow in cockpit

Hi Camunda Team,

We have tried creating a 2 sample flows and deployed the same on Tomcat by building the war .

The Cockpit is not showing the BPMN diagrams of my process and not even of the example invoicereceipt process that comes along with camunda.

But I can see the process on the dashboard and even on the create process of the tasklist. I can see the flows when I click on the deploymentID

Can anyone help on the same.?

I was trying to view it in IE, but when I tried to open in chrome, the flow is coming up in cockpit now.

But I still have one issue, Whenever I update the flow and regenerate the WAR file and deploy it on tomcat, the update flow is not coming up its stil showing the old flow, kindly hep…

Hi @Bhavya,

I would recommend you to read through https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.6/user-guide/process-engine/process-versioning/ and https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.6/user-guide/process-applications/the-processes-xml-deployment-descriptor/#deployment-descriptor-process-application-deployment

Basically migration of existing process instances will not happen automatically, you have to trigger it manually.

Does that help?