Unable to get process diagram

I have a few process definitions and i am able to see the diagram on the cockpit but when i try to get the diagram using the get method (“/process-definition/key/processo_1/diagram”) it always return the error code 204 (“The process definition doesn’t have an associated diagram.”).
There is any other way to get the diagram ?
I am able to get the xml from this process using “/process-definition/key/processo_1/xml”, there any way to turn the xml into a png file?

Cockpit image:

Hi @klossteles,

Cockpit does not display a PNG. Instead, it fetches the XML and renders it in your browser as an SVG via the bpmn-js library. You could use the same approach.


You could also open the BPMN XML with the Camunda Modeler and then export the diagram as a *.png file. Is this a suitable approach for you?
