Timer and subprocess flow Issue


i have a process block which has a timer of 5m but i also try to call a subprocess within the block which has 5m time out but when the instance is passed to sub flow the timer value applies to sub flow as well but i dont want that to happen

what is the best way to model to handle this situation?


Hi @vishucamunda,

Could you please provide your bpmn process to see how you modeled it and what exactly the problem is.


Please see the process flow attached , i am calling the subflow on the condition but the timer has 10M but i want the instance in the subflow to be active for 30 days

Hi @vishucamunda,

If you do not want the SubFlow to end, then it must not be in the block. You can again provide the subflow with a timer that runs longer.

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thanks dominik

what is the escalation code / variable ? is it mandatory ?


If you do not provide escalation code or reference at the boundary event, all escalations will be caught. This is fine in your case.