Switching ID Generator


We’re using embedded process engine. I guess we didn’t properly read the docs and are using the default ID generator and are experiencing deadlocks. My question is, is it safe to just switch out the ID generator to use the StrongUuidGenerator knowing that existing processes are already running that were created with the old one? I figure it is, but would like someone from camunda dev to confirm for me if possible.


Hi @coopstah13,

Yes, that should be fine.


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Hi All,

We need to generate sequence id only for process instance id instead of UUID How can I configure? and I have to use this for production.

Meanwhile typically each request has to identified by human readable format id, how peoples achieve this in camunda? .

@thorben we have the similar requirements that @Dineshkumar has. We want to give create the id based the user input while starting the process instance.