Strange, apparently automatically finished tasks


we have a problem with Camunda tasks who have apparently been completed without anyone calling complete task on them. The differ in certain fields of the db table [ACT_HI_TASKINST]:

  • The column [ACT_HI_TASKINST].[DELETE_REASON_] is set to the value ‘completed’
  • The column [ACT_HI_TASKINST].[END_TIME_] is set to a Datetime within seconds or minutes of the value of [ACT_HI_TASKINST].[DUE_DATE]
  • The column [ACT_HI_TASKINST].[START_TIME] is set to a Datetime within seconds of each other, and long after the actual datetime at which the task was started (which we protocol independently). This also results in most of the affected tasks being started after they were due.

Can anybody think of an automatic process within Camunda that might effect these changes? We’d be happy about any ideas.

@Karsten.BetaSystems can you upload your BPMN model?

Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to share those. Is there something I should look for in there?