Start process modal window

start a process it opens a modal window but if you click outside that window it closes losing the information already entered, can you change this behavior?

Hi MarceloCP - Did you ever get an answer to this? I have the same issue - A fairly large start form and its way too easy to lose information entered. Thanks!


No, what I did was change the webapp source code and submitted it with a pull request but it was also denied by them because it is a default behavior of the modal

Hi @bills,

You need to change the source code of tasklist web app (more specifically to change below script file)

Replace below snippet:

var modalInstance = ${
	size: 'lg',
	controller: 'camProcessStartModalCtrl',
	template: template,
	resolve: {
		processData: function () {
			return processData;

with the following snippet:

var modalInstance = ${
	size: 'lg',
	controller: 'camProcessStartModalCtrl',
	template: template,
	backdrop: false,
	resolve: {
		processData: function () {
			return processData;