Spring boot, how to disable jobexecutorHealthindicator

Hi, I have my Spring boot running with JobExecutor disabled, by doing this in actuator displayed jobExecutor as down, therefore overall health status also down, is there anyway to disable jobExecutor health indicator and keep processEngine health indicator enable ?

I tried to put “management.health.camunda.enabled=false” in application.properties, but it disabled both jobExecutor and processEngine health indicator.

@gry77, you can disable the jobexecutorhealthindicator-health-check.

this may solve your problem
@Bean(name = “jobExecutor”)
public SpringJobExecutor jobExecutor() {
SpringJobExecutor jobExecutor = new SpringJobExecutor();
jobExecutor.registerProcessEngine((ProcessEngineImpl) processEngine);
return jobExecutor;

Adding SpringJobExecutor solved the health actuator issue. But caused a failure while executing the jobs.

This fixed both issues:

@Bean(name = “jobExecutor”)
public JobExecutor jobExecutor() {
JobExecutor jobExecutor = new DefaultJobExecutor();
jobExecutor.registerProcessEngine((ProcessEngineImpl) processEngine);
return jobExecutor;