Something mysterious change my variables

Hi, i found some mysterious things: something nullifing my variable “steps”

We use camunda 7.8 as embedded engine, we have 2 container in docker, that connected on same base.

I draw this process
addFilling53.bpmn (9.5 KB)

This process started from rest API with body:
“variables”: {
“applicationId”: {“type”: “String”, “value”: “20190219175333889IBL642551”},
“stage”: {“type”: “String”, “value”: “CORRECTED”},
“steps”: { “type”: “Object”,
“value” : “{"StepTypeGBO":[{"ExampleType":"","StepID":"SMEjvjwb7YwmckMv_EUKBAflw","MultiPage":false,"OrderId":0,"Name":"Уточнить параметры ОКОПФ","Code":"SME0063","StartDate":"2019-02-19T11:22:19.031+03:00","PersonId":"","DocumentType":"","CreatedDate":"","RuleId":"66e74246-8dd0-4afd-87e0-a644345ff110:4","LegalEntityId":"","CompletedDate":"","Type":"Input Step","Description":"","Result":false,"Obligation":false,"Comment":"Поле ‘ОПФ’ для данного ОКОПФ = 1 00 00 может принимать только следующие значения: ХТ"}]}”,
“valueInfo”: {
“objectTypeName” : “ru.bpm.camunda.sme.rko.model.dto.ArrayStepTypeGBO”,
“serializationDataFormat”: “application/json”

  1. For test purposes i suspend first task and gateway:
  2. Start process via REST.
  3. When process on first task i see everything is fine:

  4. Then i execute first suspended jobs.
  5. Then i see

    All screens is just view for rest api answers.

Who nullify my steps variable?

update to 7.10, that didnt help

Hey kotskin, I’m currently developing a tool that tries to find and highlight all process variables reads/writes/deletions. This feature is still somewhat experimental, but it’s still worth a try. Check out vPAV and especially use the ProcessVariableModelChecker.

Hope this helps :+1:t4:

Great tool, i will try it in our CI.

I find problem: camunda serialize\deserialize object on gateway (may be for check expressons?) with my serializer. i found bug in deserialize function.