Setup a Java Project>Add a Process Application Class

Hello, All,

I’m following the tutorial to setup “java BPMM v2 project” but I’m stuck at step “Add a Process Application Class”

Pratically, how should I do that with Eclipse/Maven please ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Hi @CSA75,

could you please state what your problem is about?


Hi @tasso94
Actually I don’t know what to do to “create a package,and add a Process Application class” with Eclipse/Maven…Should I put the given commands by using the command line or should I do that by using the GUI. If so, how should I do that pratically ? The tutorial instructions does not explain that…

Thanks for your help

Hi @CSA75,

actually I do not use Eclipse but creating a package should be very simple.

You already managed to create a new maven project in Eclipse, right? So you should see on the left side of the Eclipse window the directory tree which is labeled ‘Package Explorer’. The next step would be to create a package called org.camunda.bpm.getstarted.loanapproval inside src/main/java. Try to perform a right-click, select “new” and click on “package”.

Does this answer your question?

Please also see the prepared sample project.


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